Tuesday, February 25, 2014

16 Months

On Reece's 16 month birthday he got his first haircut!  This is NOT something I wanted to do.  I knew from experience with Eli that when his golden locks were cut, the sweet curls would not come back.  The girl that cut his hair said he has some natural curl that when let grow long enough it will come back.  The only downfall, it has to get pretty long for it to come back :(
She didn't do the best of jobs, it's a little short and makes his head look weirdly shaped for the moment. DaDee says this will give us more time in between haircuts.
He hasn't really picked up any new abilitities this last month.  His love of books has increased.  He wants us to read to him ALL. THE. TIME!  He has a few favorites, Goodnight Moon, My Name is Elmo, and a book about numbers.  I'm not sure how many times a day I read these books to him!  I was worried that he wouldn't be a book lover.  It's only been recently that he's shown an interest and this was different.  We are a house of book lovers!
still 18 lbs 8 oz
still 29.25" long

words: mama and DaDee
signs: milk, drink, all done, more

Also, we've had so much of this junk, I've forgotten to break out the camera.  I will be better next month.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

15 months

I can't seem to stay on track with the monthly updates!  Always a month behind :)
He has really taken off the last month.  He is walking all over the place.  He tries to run and hasn't really figured it out.  It's so stinkin' cute to watch him try and figure it out.  He is an awesome eater!!  We are so lucky on that front.  Don't give him a french fry first!  He won't eat anything if he has that first.  He will eat anything you put in front of him.  He walks around the house saying Mama all day long.  I think he just likes to hear himself :)  
He's ready to go outside.  Too bad we've had SOOO much snow this winter and so many days that have been below zero.  Way to cold to get him out.  Still not a great sleeper.  One, maybe 2 naps a day.  Can be anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours, I never know what I'm going to get.  Up every 3ish hours at night too. 
And, I wasn't very good at getting the camera out during this month.  I will be better!


29.25" long
18 lbs 8 oz

walking ALL over the place
signs: more, all done, drink, milk
words: mama, DaDee
loves: blueberries, coke (just like Mama!), Eli hugs when he gets up and when DaDee comes home from work