Friday, November 22, 2013

13 Months

Baby boy, I guess we can't really use the term baby anymore.  You really aren't in the baby stages anymore.  You are into EVERYTHING these days!  Pulling yourself up on EVERYTHING!  Cruising the furniture.  Steps are going to be happening anytime now.  Some people think it's odd that you aren't walking yet.  Mama and Daddy are perfectly fine with it.  You will walk when you're ready. There is a story called "Ruby in her own time."  She does what she needs to when she wants too.  Reeceybear will do the same.  Just like when you decide you were ready to roll, and sit by yourself, and crawl, all in your own time.  You have a few favorite drawers that you love to empty.  The Wii games and DVDs don't stand a chance against you.  You love to turn the receiver off and on, especially when Daddy is watching football.  He thinks you do this on purpose :)  You are a happy baby until you are ready to sleep, then it's fussy Reecey that appears.  That is one nice thing, even though you don't sleep, you are not crabby baby the majority of the time.

cruising the furniture at times
brave enough to let go of the furniture and stand unassisted for a few seconds opening
closing, emptying drawers and cabinets

eating with us
Hannah and Eli (you want to be where they are)

being by yourself
held when you want to be down on the floor

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Birthday Boy!!

It is so hard to believe that our sweet baby boy is a 1!!  I can remember exactly what happened that day so vividly, it's crazy.  I don't usually have a great memory, but ask me what was going at a certain time that day and I can tell you.  I look back on that and still have a little sense of lose having to have a c-section and not getting to labor, but in the end all that matters is that he was fine and happy and healthy.

Our little boy is so animated!!  He is starting to tell some amazing stories.  And one of his favorite people on the planet is his Poppy.

Playing with other kids is minimal.  He's not a super huge fan of playing with the kids at church and not at home either.  It's pretty cool sitting next to them and looking at them :)

We invited family over for his woodland themed party!  I think I'm going to keep the owl things up in the kitchen, I love it.  He did not love his hat.  It's so cute!  He wore it for a few pictures to humor mama though.

Having family over meant having at 10 kids watch him eat cake.  He LOVED having cake at his cake smash for his birthday pictures, but all these people made him nervous.  He ended up in tears and wanted nothing more to do with the cake.  A few quiet minutes in the bathtub solved that problem and he was back to wanting to have fun.

Not so into presents yet.  Typical he was excited about the boxes, but not so much the actual toys.  Maybe for Christmas we'll just wrap some boxes that he can then play with.

Parties wear a baby out!  (can you see the belly peaking out under his shirt?!?!)

crawling all over the place
going from belly to sitting
cruising all around the furniture

eating more table food, he loves to eat what we eat
eggs are his favorite food at the moment
opening drawers and cabinets
turning the tv receiver off and on

not being able to turn the tv receiver off and on
when the ottoman is blocking the entry into the kitchen (he doesn't care to be confined to one room)

17 pounds 6 ounces
29.5" long

Thursday, November 14, 2013

O goodness! Photo dump!

May!  I haven't posted ANYTHING since MAY!  I had such high hopes of being good and keeping up with this so I could go back and remember when Reece learned new things and what our days looked like.  I get a nice big fat F for that!  I guess my hope now is to just play some catch up.  That doesn't make me happy because I can't remember things exactly :(

At nine months Reece is a little guy.  He weighed around 16.5 pounds (about the 3rd %), he was about 26" long (about the 25th %).  Sitting up on his own like a champ.  Sometime between 9 and 10 months he started army crawling.  Army crawling EVERYWHERE.  He's getting quicker!  He shows no interest in eating food yet.  He'd rather stick to mama's milk.  He's had some teephers appear :)

Our little 10 month old has really picked up his pace with the army crawl.  We kinda thought he'd be up on his hands and knees now, but he'd rather stick to roughing it on his belly.  A few more teeth this last month.  Still could care less to eat what we are eating.

How are you 11 months old already?!?! The next photo dump will be a birthday bash! At 11 months, Reece has 5 teeth. He has just started to pull himself up on the furniture. There is a bit of cruising going on now. He has decided to put himself up on his hands and knees and crawl. He has decided that it is still much faster to army crawl, but he is doing it a bit up on all 4s. He is also very interested in what we eat now. When meals are made, I have to take into account that he will want to eat what we eat. Meal prep now has baby on the mind :) He's still pretty small, not really gained any weight. He is saying mama and dada reguarly. He makes the sign for milk and sometimes will sign more. Still not much of a sleeper. He will nap some for Grandma Larney, usually 30 minutes in the morning and at least an hour in the afternoon.  I'm very thankful for the fact that he is at least happy even if he's not a good sleeper.  Sleeping at night is pretty much non-existant, especially when there's a new tooth coming in.  Makes for one tired mama when trying to do student teaching all at the same time.  He loves to play and swing and be outside.  Daddy is pretty awesome when he walks in the door.