Friday, November 30, 2012

2 Months

Wow, I can not believe you are 2 months old already!  Time seems to be flying by.  You are 9.5 pounds and 22.25 inches long.  You have grown 3 inches and gained almost 4 pounds since you were born!!  You are starting to smile at mama and daddy now.  When you hear daddy's voice you will turn your head to figure out where he's at.  You also try and figure out where Hannah and Eli are.  Daddy said last week you laughed.  He's tried a few times since then to get you to do it, but I haven't heard you laughing yet.  You are cooing so much more.  Your happiest time of day is in the morning.  You do more smiling and cooing then then any other time of day.  You don't sleep much during the day, cat naps mostly, 20 or 30 minutes a few times a day.  I can usually get you to take a longer nap if you are in the Moby Wrap.  Sometimes we get a very unhappy Reece in the evenings if you haven't had a good day of sleeping.  Daddy and I can't wait to see what new things you learn to do in the next month!    

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