Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Reece and I started our Valentine's Day off making this for Daddy. Let me tell you, trying to do hand prints with a 4.5 month old is INSANELY hard!! The proof is in the hand prints. One you can kind of make out, but not so much the other. The feet were much easier.

I'm trying to increase our face time.  Cody and I don't have a lot of one-on-one time, but when we do I feel like it's centered around what's on T.V.  For Duck Dynasty, this is totally acceptable, love that show!  In trying to increase the face time, I wanted to get something for him that we could do together, that is fun.  I love the Settlers of Catan game (thanks to my brother and sister-in-law), but it's hard to play with 2 people.  I'm looking forward to playing these when the kids go to bed.

Speaking of kids, these 2 crack me up!  Cody knows them soooo well!  He got them the candy and popcorn for V-Day.  Best. Gifts. Ever!

I made these cookies in honor of Valentine's Day.  I have cut dairy out of my diet.  Reecy doesn't tolerate the milk protein well.  Dinners have been fine, but sweets are hard.  The secret ingredient in these cookies is SOOO surprising.  I'll never tell the kids, but they loved them!  They really are awesome, like a cookie, brownie, cake combination.

Our sweet, sleepy, and very handsome Valentine.  This outfit didn't last long.  Explosive diapers will do that!

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