Baby boy, I guess we can't really use the term baby anymore. You really aren't in the baby stages anymore. You are into EVERYTHING these days! Pulling yourself up on EVERYTHING! Cruising the furniture. Steps are going to be happening anytime now. Some people think it's odd that you aren't walking yet. Mama and Daddy are perfectly fine with it. You will walk when you're ready. There is a story called "Ruby in her own time." She does what she needs to when she wants too. Reeceybear will do the same. Just like when you decide you were ready to roll, and sit by yourself, and crawl, all in your own time. You have a few favorite drawers that you love to empty. The Wii games and DVDs don't stand a chance against you. You love to turn the receiver off and on, especially when Daddy is watching football. He thinks you do this on purpose :) You are a happy baby until you are ready to sleep, then it's fussy Reecey that appears. That is one nice thing, even though you don't sleep, you are not crabby baby the majority of the time.

cruising the furniture
at times
brave enough to let go of the furniture and stand unassisted for a few seconds
closing, emptying drawers and cabinets
eating with us
Hannah and Eli (you want to be where they are)
being by yourself
held when you want to be down on the floor
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