It is so hard to believe that our sweet baby boy is a 1!! I can remember exactly what happened that day so vividly, it's crazy. I don't usually have a great memory, but ask me what was going at a certain time that day and I can tell you. I look back on that and still have a little sense of lose having to have a c-section and not getting to labor, but in the end all that matters is that he was fine and happy and healthy.
Our little boy is so animated!! He is starting to tell some amazing stories. And one of his favorite people on the planet is his Poppy.
Playing with other kids is minimal. He's not a super huge fan of playing with the kids at church and not at home either. It's pretty cool sitting next to them and looking at them :)
We invited family over for his woodland themed party! I think I'm going to keep the owl things up in the kitchen, I love it. He did not love his hat. It's so cute! He wore it for a few pictures to humor mama though.
Having family over meant having at 10 kids watch him eat cake. He LOVED having cake at his cake smash for his birthday pictures, but all these people made him nervous. He ended up in tears and wanted nothing more to do with the cake. A few quiet minutes in the bathtub solved that problem and he was back to wanting to have fun.
Not so into presents yet. Typical he was excited about the boxes, but not so much the actual toys. Maybe for Christmas we'll just wrap some boxes that he can then play with.
Parties wear a baby out! (can you see the belly peaking out under his shirt?!?!)
crawling all over the place
going from belly to sitting
cruising all around the furniture
eating more table food, he loves to eat what we eat
eggs are his favorite food at the moment
opening drawers and cabinets
turning the tv receiver off and on
not being able to turn the tv receiver off and on
when the ottoman is blocking the entry into the kitchen (he doesn't care to be confined to one room)
17 pounds 6 ounces
29.5" long
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